(408) 549-8555
Almost every second housewife faces problems in the kitchen. For lovers of baking, the main problem is that the oven does not heat up. Of course, such a disaster can be eliminated, but only if the true cause of the oven malfunction is found. It doesn’t really matter whether you use an LG Oven or any other brand.
The probable cause of the lack of heating may be a breakdown of the oven thermostat. The thermostat regulates the temperature of the oven automatically. If the thermostat in the oven is broken, then this can be easily determined. You need to turn on the oven, set the temperature you need and wait a bit. If the oven does not heat up according to the mode you set, then we can assume that the problem is in the thermostat.
Control board failure. This option may be considered by the owners of new LG models of ovens. All modern ovens are controlled by a control board. If the board is burned out, then the oven does not heat up, and it may also not turn on at all. However, this cause is considered very rare.
Prime Air solutions experts are always focused not only on quick, but also high-quality repairs. We try to use only original components with which there will be no problems in the future. In any case, if you wonder How to get rid of not heating LG Oven, we are ready to fix the problem. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (619) 655-3355.
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County and surrounding areas