(408) 549-8555
Sometimes the air conditioner breaks down very unexpectedly, in the very heat. If this happens, before calling a specialist, you can try to deal with it yourself. After all, typical problems often arise that can be easily eliminated. If you fail, you can contact us, where you will receive quality services at an affordable price. If the equipment is still under warranty, you will not have to pay for repairs. There is a necessity to check a capacitor and replace it in case of defects. Here is how you can replace the capacitor yourself.
1. Turn off the power to the unit.
2. Remove the service panel and inspect the capacitor for defects.
3. Discharge the capacitor after reviewing this procedure.
4. Tape back the old capacitor and mark how the wires connect. Disconnect them with pliers.
5. Select a new capacitor that will meet the required performance.
6. Buy a capacitor and install it in place.
We would like to say that we hope that you managed to independently determine the cause of the breakdown of your Ruud air conditioner and eliminate it as soon as possible. If nothing works out and you still do not have a clue How to repair a malfunctioning Ruud AC capacitor, just contact us for help. Your air conditioner will perform its functions again and will not let you down at the most inopportune moment. Prime Air Solutions experts will do all the work quickly and efficiently. Give us a call at (619) 655-3355.
County and surrounding areas
County and surrounding areas